To help you picture how the modules may fit into your curriculum, we have prepared the following 3 use case scenarios: flipped classrooms (Scenario 1), customized curricula for blended learning (Scenario 2), and problem-based or self-directed learning (Scenario 3).

SCENARIO 1: Selecting a module for student self-study and followed by a facilitated face to face case-based discussion


Selecting a module for student self-study and followed by  facilitated face to face case-based discussion

 Scenario elements:


-         Course elements: ENeA SEA Module 2 Breastfeeding

-         Students: Practicing Nurses

-         Approach: Blended learning


Wan is a lecturer in pediatrics and wants to teach her students about lactation management. Previously, she taught the topic through face to face lectures. Now using the ENeA SEA platform, she assigns her students “Module 2: Breastfeeding” which they have to complete before the class by bringing the certificate of completion. 

In order to apply what students have learnt, she then breaks the students into groups to discuss case scenarios which they present to the class.

SCENARIO 2: Using a customised module and integrate with blended learning in classroom discussion session.


Using a customised module and integrate with blended learning in classroom discussion session.

Scenario elements:


-         Course elements: ENeA SEA Customized Curricula

-         Students: Undergraduate medical students

-         Approach: Blended learning 


Dr. Joyce is a lecturer in pediatrics who has been given a very specific topic to teach during the undergraduate pediatric posting. She wants to teach on the macro- and micronutrient requirements in pregnancy. However, she does not have time to scroll through each module to look for the relevant sections.

She uses the customized curriculum section of the website to search for lessons that relate to these topics. Once she has identified the lessons, she informs the students to go through these specific lessons before the class. 

SCENARIO 3: Using case studies to facilitate problem-based-learning in the classroom.


Using case studies to facilitate problem-based-learning in the classroom.

Scenario elements:


-         Course elements: Case scenarios available under the ENeA
          SEA Tutor Toolkit

-         Students: Postgraduate medical students

-         Approach: Problem-based-learning


Prof Boey is a lecturer who is teaching problem–based learning sessions on early nutrition. In the classroom, using case scenarios available in the ENeA SEA Tutor Toolkit section, he gives each group of students a case to discuss. He provides discussion resources by letting the students know the relevant lessons in the ENeA SEA modules where they can access information that will help with the case. He also encourages them to search for information online in journals and evidence-based websites to strengthen their approach to the problem.

Diperbaharui kali terakhir: Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 4:46 AM